This is a project that involve youth (15-25) with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities in participative art workshops, together with their age peers without health problems, under the supervision of professional artists, counselors and special educators, with participation of students from University of Belgrade.
Please, support the continuance of one of the most successful and interesting inclusive projects in Serbia.
Through art workshops, drama, music and art, our youth beneficiaries get to know each other, socialize, acquire new knowledge and skills, learn from each other, surpass differences, develop tolerance and create art with a joint youthful energy.
With this donation you will help the realization of this wonderful project and contribute to creation of better life and just society, without stigma and discrimination, in modern Serbia.
Make a donation
Dinar account: 265106031000109083 Raiffeisen Bank AD Beograd
Foreign currency account: RZBSRSBG Raiffeisen Bank AD Beograd RS 35265100000020242690
Purpose of payment: Donation
Receipent: Muzicko opersko teatarska organizacija MOTO, Čumićevo sokače bb (lokal 91), Beograd, Serbia
Payment code: 278
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