The Third International Conference Psychology and Music – Interdisciplinary Encounters was held in Zagreb from October 23 to 26 gathering participants from around the world. MOTO’s work was discussed as part of the paper “Participating in a Project with practical stage experience: the effect of situated learning on young opera singers’ Well-being”.
Eight singers, participants in the project Opera: Past, Present, Perfect!, were interviewed to identify the challenges they face in their professional singing careers and to explore if participating in the project contributed to their well-being and personal and professional development.
The research results show that participation in the project significantly improved participants’ sense of well-being, suggesting that integrating activities and working principles from the project into the formal education of singers could enhance the quality of school and university programs.
The paper was well received, and its conclusions were discussed as universally beneficial for young singers’ education. The paper authors are Natalija Stanković, opera stage director and junior researcher at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, and Dr. Blanka Bogunović, professor at the Faculty of Music and the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade.